Platform Processes
Blubrry Process:
Process for clients who only host on blubrry, but post show notes on website
Login to Blubrry
Using Dashlane, use the correct client login details
From the Podcaster dashboard, under Podcaster Hosting, select “upload new media files”
Select “upload new media” which will open a new small window
“Select file”
Navigate to the appropriate dropbox folder for that client & select the correct audio file
Wait for the file to upload & then click “close window”
Process for clients who host & post show notes to Blubrry
Login to Blubrry
Using Dashlane, use the correct client login details
From the Podcaster dashboard, under Manage Episodes, click on “add new episode”
Change the publish date to the scheduled release date & the time to 5:00am
Copy and paste the title from the production calendar to the “Title” field
Copy and paste the episode show notes into the “content” field
Click in the select media file box and then select “upload new media”
“Select file”
Navigate to the appropriate dropbox folder for that client & select the correct audio file
Wait for the file to upload & then click “close window”
If everything looks good, “schedule”
Libsyn Process:
Normal Libsyn loading process
Login to
Using Dashlane, use the correct client login details
Under Content select “add new episode”
“Add Media” and select copy from cloud storage from “”
Select the appropriate show file within “Load to Libsyn” dropbox folder
Click on “Go to details”
Copy and paste the show Title from the title in the production calendar. Scroll down and also paste the title into the Apple Podcast Title field.
Copy and paste the Subtitle from the production calendar (if available) into the subtitle field and the apple podcast summary field. If there is no subtitle provided keep that field blank.
Download the corresponding completed show notes from dropbox within the Show Notes folder
Copy and paste all notes into the description field.
Scroll down to the apple podcast summary and copy only the paragraph from the show notes that refers to “In today’s episode….” with the description
Do not input a season or episode number unless otherwise told to do so
For the author, put in the host’s name (ex: Pripo Teplitsky)
Click on “Go to Artwork”
Unless the host has rotating artwork based on show guests (see Nicholas Spohn notes below), this will be auto filled so you can skip this
“Go to Social”, if available, otherwise skip to scheduling
Copy and paste the show title into the Facebook Status, Linkedin Status and Twitter fields
For Pripo Teplitsky, you will also include the episode quote along with the title in each episode fields
Click “Go to Scheduling”
Under Basic/Release Expiration “set new release date” and put in the correct day for the episode and set to release at 5am
Copy and paste the “direct download url” to the corresponding field in the production calendar. Change the status to “Loaded” and the color to lime green
Load To Libsyn
Libsyn Audio Replacement Process:
*This is only needed if a previously published episode needs an audio replacement*
Login to
Using Dashlane, use the correct client login details
From the Content dropdown, select “previously published”
Use the search bar to find the episode that needs replacing
Click on the pencil/edit icon to open the episode details
Within the audio file section of action options, click on “Replace”
7. Select the copy from the Dropbox Cloud Storage
8. Upload the appropriate file from Dropbox & let the new audio load
9. After it’s done loading & processing, click “publish” to save.
*Note that audio reloads count against the client’s monthly storage so depending on how many reloads are necessary you may have to do them in monthly batches.
Omny Process:
Login to
Select appropriate show from the home page
Click purple “Upload Audio Files” from top right
Upload the corresponding episode(s)
Download episode show notes from the appropriate “Show Notes” folder in Dropbox
Copy and paste the episode title from the show’s production calendar
Copy and paste full show notes into the Description field
Fix any formatting issues such as spacing
From the “Add to Playlist” dropdown select the show’s playlist
Add the season and episode numbers
Click to expand “optional episode metadata” section
For the summary, copy and paste the 2nd paragraph of the show notes (“In today’s episode….”).
If there is a guest on, be sure to add their last name to the summary.
If you know the content rating select the appropriate option
Under publishing, schedule for the correct date at 5am.
Click “Save Changes”
Copy the show URL and paste in the correct field in the production calendar
Under Status note the episode has been loaded & change the row to lime green
In the client’s dropbox, move the episode and show notes doc to corresponding episode folder in the “complete” folder