Social Media
The purpose of Social Media is to schedule published podcast episodes and videos to the client’s individual social channels to share with their network.
We use Canva for social media post creations & most clients do as well. If we’ve created their album artwork for them, we’ll provide all the layers so they can create an on brand episode social post. Below are examples of different possible artworks.
In order to create a visual audio clip social post, we use a program called Wavve. It’s simple and easy to use.
Here is a short tutorial walking you through the steps:
Step by step instructions:
From the home “create” tab, select “New Design”.
Use a template or create from scratch.
Upload the episode image that was created in Canva.
Add in a waveform, resize and change color if needed. Add in any other design elements that are wanted and click “save”.
In Step 2, upload the audio file that matches the graphic.
Click “generate video”
After it’s done generating, you can click on “more” to download.
To add captions from here, click on “add captions”
Click to “create transcript”. You should listen and read through and make any edits necessary.
Then go to “style captions” and under the design you like best, click on the + sign to get more options to edit the font style, color, size and layout.
When done, either “save” or “create video”
Then use the “more” tag to download the post with captions.
All social media posts are scheduled and published through Publer.
Login username:
Login password: Lkastra8329!@
See the Weekly Social Media Schedule for the current scheduling timeline
To create a New Post:
From the Create Page, select all the social networks you want the post to go to
Enter the Text and attach any additional media (video/audio) if necessary
“Schedule for later” or “Post Now”
To Bulk Upload & Publish Posts:
Fill out the Publer Bulk Upload Template & download as a CSV
From the Create Page, select “Bulk Upload” under the content box
Upload the csv file
Select all the social networks you want the posts to publish to
Review each post to make sure they loaded correctly & for the correct dates/times + add any media that needs to be added
If you get an error message for any of the posts, click within them and update the error.
Click to “Schedule All”