New Show Launch
The purpose of Show Launch is to help new clients create, develop and publish their podcast.
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After They Pay Their Deposit…
The following items happen the same day:
Slack Channel created & invite sent
Dropbox folder & Google Spreadsheet Production Calendar created & shared
Invite to Member’s Area sent
Added to the appropriate launch list in the Trello Launch Tracker Board
Added to the PNS Clients All Things Spreadsheet
Added to ConvertKit
Welcome email sent by Launch Manager
Launch Workflow:
Our current system is to keep track of where they are in the launch process via their launch checklist in the Trello Launch Tracker board and through their submitted membership forms.
In Trello, a new client will be added to an available list once we have verbal confirmation or they have paid their deposit. Once they are added, that is our cue to get started right away.
Setting up Trello
First, you’ll want to set up the Launch Checklist card. To do this:
Click to open the existing launch card within their list.
Click on “checklist” on the right side menu
Then under the dropdown, “copy items from” select a blank launch checklist.
4. Next you want to add all the team members associated with the launch to the card, by clicking on “members”.
5. And after their dropbox and production calendar are created, they should be linked to the card as well for easy access.
Then, as the client moves through the launch process, the checklist should be ticked off as each item is completed. It will also provide a good idea of whether or not they are on track to meet their launch date.
Launch Date Milestones
For each launch date, they should be working towards the following milestones:
Intro/Outro/Lead Magnet Submitted: 5 weeks before launch (as soon as their gear has arrived and soundcheck complete)
Teaser Submitted: 4 weeks before launch
All Launch Assets Submitted: 3 weeks before launch
We can likely still work within their launch date if they get assets in a little later than this, but these are the targets date we want to provide them. For example the following dates would apply for a May 6th launch.
Intro/Outro/LM: 4/1
Teaser: 4/8
Launch Assets: 4/15
Launch Date: 5/6
Note that the following items are dependent on one another before we can move forward:
Gear received and setup before we can host the soundcheck.
Intro/Outro must be received before we can select music.
Teaser, artwork and host login details must be received before we can setup the backend.
All launch episodes need to be produced & show notes written before episodes can be loaded for launch.
How the Members Area Helps:
To access the Members Area clients can go to
There are multiple pages and sections that walk them through the podcast creation process including:
How to Use Dropbox/Slack/Production Spreadsheet
Setting up Hosting
Getting Gear
Pre Soundcheck & How to Schedule
Tips for Recording
Show format and Build Options
Branding Their Show
Everything about Show Notes
How to Share on Social Media
At the bottom of each page is a form for them to complete to let us know how they are getting on. Their answers will immediately be sent to the Launch Tracker board as a card and can be dragged over to their individual list.
This system is two fold:
It lets us know where they are in the process & we know they are watching the videos
We know right away if something is or isn’t making sense and can address it in their Slack channel
Plus when in doubt, if they do have questions in their Slack and we know it’s been covered in the Member’s Area, and it’s unclear if they’ve reviewed it, we can direct them there first and then answer any pending questions.
Setting up Hosting Backend:
Omny Instructions
Have to have the following before you get started:
Show Title
Album Art
To begin, login to Omny and select “Create new program”:
Name - put in the show name exactly as it’s meant to appear
Slug - will automatically populate from the show name
Category - select the best category for the show topic
Author - put in either the host name or company name (depending on the client)
Artwork - upload the approved artwork (3000 x 3000 is max, 1400 x 1400 is minimum)
Network - select a network if it applies
Description - copy & paste the show description
Contact Name - client name
Contact Email - put in a PNS email for now. It can be changed later after everything is setup.
Language - select the language the show is in
Social Links - add the show website and social links that are available. Can go back to update later under “program settings” if needed.
Copyright - [Year] All Rights Reserved [Show Name & Client Name]
Save Changes
When you have the teaser episode ready,
Click on Clips (episodes) in the top right corner and click “upload audio”.
Select the audio file & upload
While it’s loading fill in the
Episode Name/Title (ie Welcome to [podcast name] )
Episode Description
Add to the playlist
Under optional metadata, you can update the content rating and add the episode summary.
On the right under episode art, set it to public
After the teaser has published, go to Playlists (Podcasts) tab and
Click on the 3 dot menu > Edit Details or the Playlist Title
Then go to Details
Copy & paste any details that are still missing
Copy & paste the RSS URL provided into the show spreadsheet
Under the feed URL is a light grey dropdown that says “submit your podcast to podcast directories” click that
Walk through each one and submit to each podchaser available
Then manually submit to Stitcher & TuneIn (see instructions below)
Then scroll down and open the podcast directories drop down
Anything that has pre-populated from the passthroughs copy and paste into the spreadsheet.
You’ll need to add the feed links for the manual submissions
Make sure the playlist is public
Save Changes
Then if necessary, go to the </> Embed tab and customize using the client’s brand colors.
Libsyn Instructions
Have to have the following to set up the podchaser links:
Show Title
Album Art
Teaser Audio
To Begin Setup go to Setting > Edit Show Settings
Show Title - update the title if the client did it wrong. It should be the exact show title.
Show Slug - is created at the time of account creation, and it must match the show title. It cannot be changed. Client’s are given instructions on this in the members area.
In the event that the show slug was set up incorrectly, the account must be deleted and re-created.
Show Description - goes in the show description box. If we don’t have it yet, then put in a placeholder & update it later.
Website Address - put host site URL unless the client has a podcast link on their personal website.
Show Type - Episodic
Subtitle - include if there is one
Show category - select the most relevant categories for all 3 dropdowns
Contact email - put the client email address
Owner Name - Client name
Owner email - initially put in the launch manager’s email address so that the podchasers can be set up, then afterwards go back and put in the client’s email address.
Author - Client name
Content Rating - select the rating (most likely clean)
Language - select the language
Default Show Feed - Libsyn Classic Feed
Copyright notice - [Year] All Rights Reserved [Show Name & Client Name]
Artwork - upload artwork (3000 x 3000 is max, 1400 x 1400 is minimum)
Widescreen Banner - upload if it is available/ready. Max size is 3000 px, minimum is 1400px and it must be in 16:9 ratio.
Theme Color - choose client brand color & put in the appropriate hex code
External Media Links - add them after the show is up
Next go to Episode Defaults (from the left hand menu in Show Settings)
Style Rating - clean, unless it’s not
Update ID3 info - choose “export to episode mp3 file”
Schedule Release/Expiration - Can pre-set the date of weekly release if we know for sure. It doesn’t autoschedule, but when loading & “scheduling for release” it will auto-default for the next date on that day, which can help curb human scheduling errors.
Next from the top main menu select Destinations > Add or Edit
Scroll down to the Podcast Page > Edit
Header Image - load the banner, this one should be 1920 x 480
Display Title - Uncheck the box
Theme color - same color as directory color
Episode Link Color - same as the others
Producer message - same content as the show description
Always “save” at the bottom
Edit the Web Player
Select Custom
Height - change to 90
Use Thumbnail - check the box
Custom Color - same color code as the others
Go back to the main Destinations page and open the client’s production spreadsheet
Under the Quick Links section you’ll copy & paste the following to the spreadsheet:
RSS Feed - Is the first link provided called “libsyn classic feed”
Podcast Page - is the next link and looks like
Now, from the top menu go to Content > add new episode
For this episode only, you only need to input values for the following fields:
Add media file - upload the teaser episode audio
Title - Welcome to the “Show Name”
Apple Title - Welcome to the “Show Name”
Rating - Clean
Author’s Name - Client’s Name
Publish - immediately
It will take a few minutes for everything to show up in all the places.
Now, head back to the Destinations page to submit to the passthrough podcatchers.
Click > Add New
And add all the “External” options Libsyn provides. These are all passthroughs and pretty simple to submit. Just follow the instructions for each and save.
Amazon Music
Player FM Mobile App
Radio Public
iHeart is the exception here - you can’t submit your show until after 2 months after the show has been live. So make a note to yourself to return to this after 2 months.
If they want their show to be published to social media at time of release:
Add new destination
Connect to their socials
It’s best for the client to connect these, so that we don’t have to mess with all of their social logins.
Blubrry Instructions
Login to the Blubrry Account >
Start at the Podcaster Dashboard
Go to Hosting Settings
Select the bottom option & save
A new box called “podcast feed” should have been made alive
First, go to Artwork
Upload Artwork
Must be: 1400 x 1400 (minimum) and less than 1.5 MB
Go back to the Dashboard
Under Podcast Feed > click on Podcast Settings
Fill in all of the show details
Title: Show Name
Summary: 1 sentence description
Program Description: longer description (optional)
Language: selec show Language
Keywords/Tags: no longer used, ignore
Website URL: client website
Category: This is the category for Blubrry directory
Parental Rating: Most likely just select G for general. If not specifically for kids, don’t select the ones with y.
Media File Naming: select, “No - I will manage my own file names”
Artist Name: Host Name or Company Name
Location & Frequency: optional fields
Max episodes per feed: change to 300
Apple Settings - Type: Keep at Episodic (default)
Category 1: the only category you will appear at in Apple
Category 2 & 3: are suggestions to Apple team (optional)
Parental Advisory: explicit or not (a few cuss words doesn’t make it explicit)
Feed email: PNS email for now, until apple contacts with link, and then can change it to the client email
Go back to the Dashboard > Create New Episode
Publish Date: Immediately
Title: Episode name (Ex: Welcome to Show Name)
Content: add in a short show description
Media: Upload the teaser/trailer audio
Head back to the Dashboard > Destinations
Open each of the options in a new tab and follow the instructions to submit the passthrough destinations. They are pretty simple & the RSS feed should already be auto populated.
Amazon Music
Podcast Index
For the rest of the RSS feed submissions see the section below on how to submit to individual podcatchers.
Submitting RSS Feeds to Individual Podcatchers
Note: that sometimes the audio file you just published can take up to 20 minutes to be populated to the outside network. If you are trying to set up the below and keep running into an error or it’s showing the show can’t load, just wait a little bit for the audio to get everywhere.
Podcast Connect: (Apple’s System) -
Add a new podcast
Paste RSS Feed
After the audio has been found, they will have to approve the show.
An email will be sent with the URL link after approval.
Once the email comes through, add the link to the spreadsheet.
Stitcher -
Add a show
Insert RSS Feed
Agree to Terms
Confirm Show Authorization in Email
Go back to the Stitcher Dashboard & find the show
From the let menu, go to “Promote Show”
Copy show URL link to spreadsheet
Note: It will take a little while for Stitcher to have the album artwork show up. Could take up to 1 week.
Spotify -
Add New Show
Get started
Add in RSS feed
Send Code to email
Check email & add in code
Select -> Country - Language - Hosting Provider - Category
Copy Link to Spreadsheet
Google Podcast Manager -
Add a show
Enter Feed
Submit Verify Ownership
Will get an email when live on Google
And then to actually get the link go to Google Podcast Publisher Tools -
Insert the RSS feed
A link will be generated from there - add to spreadsheet
Tune In -
Start at the Contact us page
Contact Email: PNS contact email
Web address: client website
Podcast Title: Show Name
Host: Client Name
Paste RSS Feed
Language: select language
Genre: enter appropriate category
Podcast email: Client email
No Phone # Needed
Send Email
In 2 days, receive an email that it’s approved
Put link in spreadsheet
Remove Libsyn Branding from Squarespace Web Pages:
Option 1: Client does not have an existing website
This shouldn’t be the case with our clients, but in general, this is the only case where it’s possible to have a specific domain URL (such as secretly point to, but remain the specified name in the URL.
Option 2: Client does have an existing website
Due to how websites work, you cannot move something like to Instead, you must set up a subdomain like because that site is powered by Libsyn. Here’s how to do that:
In Libsyn:
Make sure you’re in the right show!
Click Custom Domains OR the long way:
Go under Settings > Edit Show Settings > Custom Domains
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click <Edit Custom Domains>
Click <Add New> and enter the client’s domain without https. For example, “”
After adding, you will see a message like this - ignore it! It only applies to Option 1
In Squarespace:
Switch to the appropriate account
Go to Settings > Domains and select the appropriate domain. There may be many so make sure it’s the main one!
3. When that loads, select Advanced Settings
4. Ignore the presets option!
5. There will be a table of DNS (Domain Name System) info. It looks scary, but it’s not!
6. The last row in the table is for adding entries:
Under the Host column, type “podcast” (or whatever subdomain should point to libsyn). You do not need to type the domain so simply “podcast” will do, and indicates
Under the Record column, select CNAME from the dropdown
Skip the Priority column
Under the Data column, type “” (no quotes)
Click <Add>
7. Libsyn recommends also adding an A record so let’s do that:
Under the Host column, put the same thing you entered for 6.1
Under the Record column, select A from the dropdown
Skip the Priority column
Under the Data column, type “” (no quotes). This is a Libsyn-owned IP address
Click <Add>
8. If you make a mistake after adding, you’ll have to delete the record because there is no way to edit
That’s it! These changes take a little time to propagate around the internet, up to 72 hours, but I usually see them take effect after about 2 hours. You can now add a Podcast header link to the client’s website and link to
Loading for Launch
The Launch Manager will load the episodes for launch. Afterwards, the show will be given Traffic to load weekly.
When loading for launch, the episodes and their related show notes should be added & scheduled to publish in 15 minute increments. So the show launch times for a 10 episode launch would be:
Episode 1 - 5:00 am
Episode 2 - 5:15 am
Episode 3 - 5:30am
Episode 4 - 5:45 am
Episode 5 - 6:00 am
Episode 6 - 6:15 am
Episode 7 - 6:30 am
Episode 8 - 6:45 am
Episode 9 - 7:00 am
Episode 10 - 7:15 am