009 | Remote life before and beyond the pandemic with James Eager


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#009 CrisisCast 2020 | Remote Life Before and Beyond the Pandemic with James Eager


• Why community matters when you work remotely

• Discover the tools James uses to take online payments to sell digital and physical products

• The number one way James makes sales online

Today On CrisisCast 2020 How to make working online a thing you can do beyond the global pandemic. The tools my old mate and successful businessman James uses to run his business. And how he has built a bulletproof empire brick-by-brick byte by byte…  that has harbored him safely away from single-source dependency to a global world of freedom. Only 2 weeks ago we were playing on stage together to around 2000 people. Now we’re stuck at home and grateful for the hours of private study we’ve done in the last five years. James’ application of this online marketing stuff has taken an entirely different form to mine but we follow the same principles. Here you’ll discover exactly what he’s doing to get through this…

James Eager is my guest today.

We both came up through the music ranks in London together and both made a move to build our own businesses round the same time

James now helps thousands of aspiring bass guitar through his website eBassGuitar.com where he helps rookie bass players learn how to rock out and funk off (among other things). The bulk of his customers are in the US but he’s based here in the leafy suburb of London called Tring in the UK where he lives with his partner Vicky and his Son Oliver. Enjoy!

My Guest:

James Eager adapted his work life to online around 6 years ago. If you’re looking to find someone who has this remote work thing down… Hearing how James has built his online teaching business will be well worth 20 minutes of your time.

As a professional musician, he’s played over 1254 gigs and performed on 7 West End Shows over the last 15 years.

As an educator, he’s built online programs for 10,135 students and created 357 video lessons.

As an Online Business Coach & Strategy Consultant, he’s have helped grow 7 figure membership websites with 30,000 members.

As a writer, he’s have published The Complete Guide To Music Theory For Bass Players book that is shipped all over the world.

Connect with James

Learn the bass from home with James - www.ebassguitar.com
Get help with Facebook ads and book publishing on Amazon - www.jameseager.com

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