020 | Face Masks & Future Disruptions in Texas with Daniel Raynaud


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• Where Daniel discovered the seriousness of COVID before (most of) the rest of the world
• What life is like in Austin Texas
• How Daniel and his team are providing cutting edge online learning
• Leadership vs. Popularity

In Episode #020 of CrisisCast 2020 | Daniel Raynaud

Entrepreneur Investor and language learning legend who’s app Lupa helps intermediate to advanced speakers converse in a natural way through refining skills for real life speaking and listening. The demo blew my mind at Podcast Movement Evolutions when I saw what he and his team were doing.

Fellow brit Daniel Raynaud now lives in Texas and he reveals why he was already uncomfortable about making trips back in Feb 2020. 

But I’m glad he made one of them, because if he hadn’t, we wouldn’t know each other.

My conversation with early mask wearer Daniel covers, Clapping, Guns, Texas, The Risk of Good Leadership and thoughts on future disruptions in society. 

My Guest:

Enjoy figuring out what users want that the market isn't providing, and building good products to fill the gap.

Mostly do product strategy and management. I often dive deep into UX design, and sometimes code. A musician by night.

About Jive World (from the website)

Let's face it. Something's not quite right in the world of language study programs. They promised you 'fluency', and yet here you are, hundreds of hours of effort (and maybe a few hundred bills) later, dissatisfied with your language skills, and still looking for the magic bullet.

Is Jiveworld it? Maybe. But before you spend your money and time with us, you owe yourself a few minutes to find out what you're getting. If you're serious about mastering a second language — well, so are we.

Connect with Daniel

Jive World
Lupa App
Connect with Daniel on LinkedIn

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