SOPS for Client’s on SquareSpace
Client Specific Processes
Mark Silverman - Mastering MidLife
Traffic Loads to Libsyn - Caleb Loads to Squarespace
For Libsyn loading follow the basic instructions above
After the episode has been loaded to Libsyn and the row is green, then it is time to schedule the episode on Squarespace.
Login to Mark’s Squarespace account
Start by duplicating the last guest or solo episode (whichever one you are loading)
Open the show notes for that episode and copy and paste in the order of the post layout.
Bullets for this episodes content
Episode description
Guest Bio & picture ( for guest episodes only)
Guest picture can be found in the album artwork folder & should be the same picture used for the album art
Edit the audio embed by using the embed code in the production spreadsheet.
Update the bottom lead magnet CTAs, if needed
Be sure to change all links to open in a new tab/window
Then click on “options” at the top of the new post editing block
Update the show url to either:
Guest Shows: “ep#-guest-name”
Solo Show: “ep#-episode-title”
Delete the episode graphic and replace with the new episode graphic
Episode graphics are created in Canva using a template.
3 graphics are created each week:
Monday Episode art (typically a guest show - white background)
Monday still graphic for audiogram (blue background)
Friday’s show art (typically a solo show -white background)
After all graphics are created they are loaded to the social assets folder for that week and named with the episode # and guest name so Mark can share with his guest. The social media person will create the audio graphic later, upload to the folder and schedule to the client’s social channels.
Copy & paste the show description paragraph from the show notes into the show description box as a preview.
Double check that everything has been updated.
Return to the first tab and in the bottom right where it says “draft” click on it to schedule for the appropriate day & time to publish.
All done! There is nothing to update in the spreadsheet.
Mark J Silverman - Squarespace
Mark J Silverman - Canva
Dayna Steele
Setting Up External Links So They DO NOT Navigate Away From The Website