016 | How To Achieve ‘Peace of Mind’ In Times Of Uncertainty with Howard Cooper

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• Why anxiety won’t help you
• How to understand negative emotions
• Why uncertainty is ok

In Episode #016 of CrisisCast 2020 | How To Achieve ‘Peace of Mind’ In Times Of Uncertainty with Howard Cooper

Today on CrisisCast2020, Howard Cooper a man I met on a tractor ride 3 years ago at a 4 years olds birthday party… before he had a podcast! 

Howard Cooper is one of the world’s leading Rapid Change Consultants and Hypnotists. 

He’s supported more than 2,500 individuals over the past 17 years on an international level, regularly bringing about transformational changes to their lives.

And I’ve seen the evidence for myself.

So… if you find you’re feeling more uncertain than normal about your life and business at the moment. This podcast is for you as is his incredibly generous offer that is free to all NHS, key and essential workers. 
Howard is both a funny man in serious times and a serious man in funny times. Enjoy!

My Guest:

Howard Cooper is one of Britain’s leading ‘Rapid Change’ therapists. Known for helping people to create RAPID shifts in their thinking, Howard rejects the notion that deep and lasting change needs to take a long time.

Drawing on a variety of psychological tools, Howard has supported more than 2,500 individuals over the past 17 years on an international level, regularly bringing about transformational changes to their lives.

His practical, dynamic and innovative approach has helped people from all walks of life and ages overcome intrusive personal phobias, anxieties and issues that they have often suffered from for years, offering his clients a new lease of life.

In addition to his personal therapy work, Howard is a very popular and entertaining presenter on a range of topics relevant to society today and has a huge following amongst his peers through his podcast.

He spent almost two years as the lead psychological presenter on Virgin Atlantic’s critically acclaimed ‘Flying Without Fear’ course, and also appeared as the expert on fear of flying on Channel 4’s documentary ‘Fear of Flying: Caught on Camera’.

He has also contributed to other media appearing on the BBC, in The Daily Telegraph, Daily Express, Sun, CEO Magazine, just some of the media who have documented his successful ability to help people change quickly.

Howard’s Qualifications:

Hypnotherapist GQHP, NLP Master Practitioner, Design Human Engineer, Thought Field Therapist, Registered with the CNHC (Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council).

Connect with Howard

Howard’s Website

*** Get Howard’s Amazing Offer *** Achieve ‘Peace of Mind’ In Times Of Uncertainty ***

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