012 | Preparing Innovators To Change The World with Erin Baker

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• Finding strength through past traumas
• Why ignoring the online masses is a good thing
• What to do if this crisis has led to you longing to take your next step

In Episode #012 of CrisisCast 2020 | Erin Baker

Today on CrisisCast 2020 Erin Baker has locked herself at home in Michigan since coming back from Mexico 30 days ago.

As a coach with a scientific and corporate background Erin works with clients on their mindset and helps them prepare for their next act so they can make an impact.

In our chat today, Erin reflects on past personal crisis and how she is drawing strength from those experiences.

While fully acknowledging the seriousness of the state of the world today, Erin also brings so much infectious energy and (if it’s not too much of an oxymoron) tangible hope for the future.

My Guest:

My clients are visionary leaders, entrepreneurs, and coaches who are ready to launch their next act - a startup, business, innovative product or service, or career - and make a difference in the world. They have a track record of success, nail every challenge that they take on, and on paper are a paragon of success. But they often find themselves...

• Bored or burned out. They feel disconnected and out of touch with what really matters.
• Feeling like something is missing. They wonder “is there something more than this?”
• Noticing that the rush of achievement wears off quickly, and immediately asking “what’s next?”
• Wanting to do something different, but despite their track record of success, are terrified that *this* time they will fail.
• Wanting to make a more meaningful impact on the world, but unsure of where to start. Or they have an idea, but ask themselves “who am I to do that?”
• With very few, if any, people they can talk with about this.

If any of this rings true for you, you are not alone.

Through my work, I have discovered that some of the most successful people in the world are bored, burned out, or disillusioned with the impact they are having on the world. Many people continue on, changing nothing, living in a world of what they *should* be doing rather than what they *want.*

Connect with Erin

Erin’s Website

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